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JOINT EASE is all natural blend of essential oils, which does not contain any artificial preservatives. Essential oils are natural plant products, most of which possess antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

How does the oil work? Essential oils and their components are rapidly absorbed through the skin and are detectable in plasma after local application. The local dermal delivery of essential oils represents an effective method to directly provide a natural, anti-inflammatory agent to the site of inflammation. Regular local application might decrease the severity of arthritis and suppress the changes in the disease-related immunological and biochemical mediators of inflammation. Components of the oil help to prevent the breakdown of the cartilage tissue, significantly reduce levels of inflammation, making it a natural treatment for pain-related conditions that affect the joints.

Joint Ease

R160,00 Regular Price
R128,00Sale Price
  • Essential oils, joint pain, pain relief, inflammation, arthritis, polyarthritis, joint inflammation

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